COURSES >> Course List
ACCT 2110 | Financial Accounting | COURSE INFO. |
ACCT 2210 | Managerial Accounting | COURSE INFO. |
ARCH 2610 | Modern Architecture I (1750-1900) | COURSE INFO. |
ARCH 2620 | Modern Architecture II (1900- Present) | COURSE INFO. |
ARTS 1110 | History of Western Art: Ancient to Medieval | COURSE INFO. |
ARTS 1210 | History of Western Art: Renaissance to the Present | COURSE INFO. |
ARTS 2110 | Contemporary Art | COURSE INFO. |
ARTS 2160 | Introduction to Photography | COURSE INFO. |
ARTS 2180 | Color Photography | COURSE INFO. |
ARTS 2215 | Arts of China | COURSE INFO. |
BIOL 1110 | General Biology I | COURSE INFO. |
BIOL 1135 | General Biology I (With Lab) | COURSE INFO. |
BIOL 1210 | General Biology II | COURSE INFO. |
BIOL 1235 | General Biology II (With Lab) | COURSE INFO. |
BLAW 2310 | U.S. Business Law | COURSE INFO. |
CHEM 1110 | General Chemistry I | COURSE INFO. |
CHEM 1135 | General Chemistry I (With Lab) | COURSE INFO. |
CHEM 1210 | General Chemistry II | COURSE INFO. |
CHEM 1235 | General Chemistry II (With Lab) | COURSE INFO. |
CHEM 2110 | Organic Chemistry Ⅰ | COURSE INFO. |
COMM 1110 | Public Speaking | COURSE INFO. |
COMM 2125 | Interpersonal Communication | COURSE INFO. |
CSCI 1110 | Introduction to Computer Science I | COURSE INFO. |
CSCI 1210 | Introduction to Computer Science II | COURSE INFO. |
CSCI 2110 | Data Structures & Object Oriented Programming | COURSE INFO. |
CSCI 3110 | Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis | COURSE INFO. |
CSCI 3220 | Discrete Structures | COURSE INFO. |
CSCI 3235 | Computer System Organization | COURSE INFO. |
ECON 1110 | Microeconomics | COURSE INFO. |
ECON 1210 | Macroeconomics | COURSE INFO. |
ECON 2110 | Intermeidate Microeconomics | COURSE INFO. |
ECON 2210 | Intermediate Macroeconomics | COURSE INFO. |
ECON 3220 | Money and Banking | COURSE INFO. |
ECON 3615 | International Trade | COURSE INFO. |
ECON 3810 | Economic Development | COURSE INFO. |
ECON 4135 | Managerial Economics | COURSE INFO. |
ECON 4225 | Econometrics | COURSE INFO. |
ECON 4230 | Urban Economics | COURSE INFO. |
ECON 4380 | Economics of Gender | COURSE INFO. |
ELEC 2110 | Electrical Circuits | COURSE INFO. |
ELEC 2225 | Introduction to Digital Systems | COURSE INFO. |
ELEC 3110 | Electromagnetic Fields | COURSE INFO. |
ENGL 1110 | English Composition I | COURSE INFO. |
ENGL 1120 | English Composition II | COURSE INFO. |
ENGL 2120 | Introduction to Literature | COURSE INFO. |
ENGL 3110 | Business Writing | COURSE INFO. |
FILM 2165 | Introduction to Film | COURSE INFO. |
FIN 2110 | Introduction to Finance | COURSE INFO. |
FIN 3210 | Corporate Finance | COURSE INFO. |
FIN 3610 | Principles of Investment | COURSE INFO. |
HIST 1160 | US History to 1877 | COURSE INFO. |
HIST 1180 | US History since 1865 | COURSE INFO. |
HIST 1210 | World History | COURSE INFO. |
HIST 1310 | Introduction to African History | COURSE INFO. |
HIST 2125 | 20th and 21st Century World History | COURSE INFO. |
HIST 2435 | History of the Modern Asia | COURSE INFO. |
JAPN 1110 | Introductory Japanese I | COURSE INFO. |
JAPN 1210 | Introductory Japanese II | COURSE INFO. |
MATH 1210 | Calculus I | COURSE INFO. |
MATH 1220 | Calculus II | COURSE INFO. |
MATH 2160 | Linear Algebra | COURSE INFO. |
MATH 2165 | Linear Algebra and Differential Equations | COURSE INFO. |
MATH 2180 | Differential Equations | COURSE INFO. |
MATH 2210 | Calculus III | COURSE INFO. |
MATH 3350 | Introduction to Abstract Algebra | COURSE INFO. |
MATH 3685 | Introduction to Applied Linear Algebra | COURSE INFO. |
MATH 3895 | Elementary Real Analysis | COURSE INFO. |
ME 2110 | Dynamics | COURSE INFO. |
ME 2410 | Thermodynamics | COURSE INFO. |
ME 3130 | Fluid Mechanics | COURSE INFO. |
ME 3220 | Mechanics of Materials | COURSE INFO. |
ME 3550 | Dynamic Systems | COURSE INFO. |
MGT 2110 | Introduction to Management | COURSE INFO. |
MGT 3210 | Operations Management | COURSE INFO. |
MGT 3410 | Management Information System | COURSE INFO. |
MGT 3460 | Organizational Behavior | COURSE INFO. |
MGT 3550 | Human Resource Management | COURSE INFO. |
MGT 3910 | International Business | COURSE INFO. |
MKT 2110 | Introduction to Marketing | COURSE INFO. |
MKT 3140 | Introduction to Consumer Behavior | COURSE INFO. |
MKT 3230 | Marketing Research | COURSE INFO. |
MKT 3450 | International Marketing | COURSE INFO. |
MUTH 1110 | Music Theory I | COURSE INFO. |
PHIL 1110 | Introduction to Philosophy | COURSE INFO. |
PHIL 2110 | Ancient Philosophy | COURSE INFO. |
PHIL 2215 | Business Ethics | COURSE INFO. |
PHIL 3210 | Asian Philosophy | COURSE INFO. |
PHYS 1110 | General Physics I | COURSE INFO. |
PHYS 1135 | General Physics I (With Lab) | COURSE INFO. |
PHYS 1210 | General Physics II | COURSE INFO. |
PHYS 1235 | General Physics II (With Lab) | COURSE INFO. |
POL 1120 | Introduction to the U.S. Political System | COURSE INFO. |
POL 1310 | Introduction to World Politics | COURSE INFO. |
POL 3210 | Global Political Economy | COURSE INFO. |
PSY 1110 | Introduction to Psychology | COURSE INFO. |
PSY 2210 | Social Psychology | COURSE INFO. |
PSY 2550 | Human Sexuality | COURSE INFO. |
PSY 3320 | Personality Psychology | COURSE INFO. |
REL 1130 | Religions of the World | COURSE INFO. |
REL 2510 | Chinese Religion | COURSE INFO. |
SOC 1110 | Introduction to Sociology | COURSE INFO. |
STAT 1610 | Introduction to Statistics | COURSE INFO. |
STAT 2110 | Applied Statistics | COURSE INFO. |
STAT 3910 | Applied Regression Analysis | COURSE INFO. |
STAT 4120 | Mathematical Statistics | COURSE INFO. |