COURSES >> Course List


ACCT 2110 Financial Accounting COURSE INFO.
ACCT 2210 Managerial Accounting COURSE INFO.
ARCH 2610 Modern Architecture I (1750-1900) COURSE INFO.
ARCH 2620 Modern Architecture II (1900- Present) COURSE INFO.
ARTS 1110 History of Western Art: Ancient to Medieval COURSE INFO.
ARTS 1210 History of Western Art: Renaissance to the Present COURSE INFO.
ARTS 2110 Contemporary Art COURSE INFO.
ARTS 2160 Introduction to Photography COURSE INFO.
ARTS 2180 Color Photography COURSE INFO.
ARTS 2215 Arts of China COURSE INFO.
BIOL 1110 General Biology I COURSE INFO.
BIOL 1135 General Biology I (With Lab) COURSE INFO.
BIOL 1210 General Biology II COURSE INFO.
BIOL 1235 General Biology II (With Lab) COURSE INFO.
BLAW 2310 U.S. Business Law COURSE INFO.
CHEM 1110 General Chemistry I COURSE INFO.
CHEM 1135 General Chemistry I (With Lab) COURSE INFO.
CHEM 1210 General Chemistry II COURSE INFO.
CHEM 1235 General Chemistry II (With Lab) COURSE INFO.
CHEM 2110 Organic Chemistry Ⅰ COURSE INFO.
COMM 1110 Public Speaking COURSE INFO.
COMM 2125 Interpersonal Communication COURSE INFO.
CSCI 1110 Introduction to Computer Science I COURSE INFO.
CSCI 1210 Introduction to Computer Science II COURSE INFO.
CSCI 2110 Data Structures & Object Oriented Programming COURSE INFO.
CSCI 3110 Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis COURSE INFO.
CSCI 3220 Discrete Structures COURSE INFO.
CSCI 3235 Computer System Organization COURSE INFO.
ECON 1110 Microeconomics COURSE INFO.
ECON 1210 Macroeconomics COURSE INFO.
ECON 2110 Intermeidate Microeconomics COURSE INFO.
ECON 2210 Intermediate Macroeconomics COURSE INFO.
ECON 3220 Money and Banking COURSE INFO.
ECON 3615 International Trade COURSE INFO.
ECON 3810 Economic Development COURSE INFO.
ECON 4135 Managerial Economics COURSE INFO.
ECON 4225 Econometrics COURSE INFO.
ECON 4230 Urban Economics COURSE INFO.
ECON 4380 Economics of Gender COURSE INFO.
ELEC 2110 Electrical Circuits COURSE INFO.
ELEC 2225 Introduction to Digital Systems COURSE INFO.
ELEC 3110 Electromagnetic Fields COURSE INFO.
ENGL 1110 English Composition I COURSE INFO.
ENGL 1120 English Composition II COURSE INFO.
ENGL 2120 Introduction to Literature COURSE INFO.
ENGL 3110 Business Writing COURSE INFO.
FILM 2165 Introduction to Film COURSE INFO.
FIN 2110 Introduction to Finance COURSE INFO.
FIN 3210 Corporate Finance COURSE INFO.
FIN 3610 Principles of Investment COURSE INFO.
HIST 1160 US History to 1877 COURSE INFO.
HIST 1180 US History since 1865 COURSE INFO.
HIST 1210 World History COURSE INFO.
HIST 1310 Introduction to African History COURSE INFO.
HIST 2125 20th and 21st Century World History COURSE INFO.
HIST 2435 History of the Modern Asia COURSE INFO.
JAPN 1110 Introductory Japanese I COURSE INFO.
JAPN 1210 Introductory Japanese II COURSE INFO.
MATH 1210 Calculus I COURSE INFO.
MATH 1220 Calculus II COURSE INFO.
MATH 2160 Linear Algebra COURSE INFO.
MATH 2165 Linear Algebra and Differential Equations COURSE INFO.
MATH 2180 Differential Equations COURSE INFO.
MATH 3350 Introduction to Abstract Algebra COURSE INFO.
MATH 3685 Introduction to Applied Linear Algebra COURSE INFO.
MATH 3895 Elementary Real Analysis COURSE INFO.
ME 2110 Dynamics COURSE INFO.
ME 2410 Thermodynamics COURSE INFO.
ME 3130 Fluid Mechanics COURSE INFO.
ME 3220 Mechanics of Materials COURSE INFO.
ME 3550 Dynamic Systems COURSE INFO.
MGT 2110 Introduction to Management COURSE INFO.
MGT 3210 Operations Management COURSE INFO.
MGT 3410 Management Information System COURSE INFO.
MGT 3460 Organizational Behavior COURSE INFO.
MGT 3550 Human Resource Management COURSE INFO.
MGT 3910 International Business COURSE INFO.
MKT 2110 Introduction to Marketing COURSE INFO.
MKT 3140 Introduction to Consumer Behavior COURSE INFO.
MKT 3230 Marketing Research COURSE INFO.
MKT 3450 International Marketing COURSE INFO.
MUTH 1110 Music Theory I COURSE INFO.
PHIL 1110 Introduction to Philosophy COURSE INFO.
PHIL 2110 Ancient Philosophy COURSE INFO.
PHIL 2215 Business Ethics COURSE INFO.
PHIL 3210 Asian Philosophy COURSE INFO.
PHYS 1110 General Physics I COURSE INFO.
PHYS 1135 General Physics I (With Lab) COURSE INFO.
PHYS 1210 General Physics II COURSE INFO.
PHYS 1235 General Physics II (With Lab) COURSE INFO.
POL 1120 Introduction to the U.S. Political System COURSE INFO.
POL 1310 Introduction to World Politics COURSE INFO.
POL 3210 Global Political Economy COURSE INFO.
PSY 1110 Introduction to Psychology COURSE INFO.
PSY 2210 Social Psychology COURSE INFO.
PSY 2550 Human Sexuality COURSE INFO.
PSY 3320 Personality Psychology COURSE INFO.
REL 1130 Religions of the World COURSE INFO.
REL 2510 Chinese Religion COURSE INFO.
SOC 1110 Introduction to Sociology COURSE INFO.
STAT 1610 Introduction to Statistics COURSE INFO.
STAT 2110 Applied Statistics COURSE INFO.
STAT 3910 Applied Regression Analysis COURSE INFO.
STAT 4120 Mathematical Statistics COURSE INFO.