>> Course Descriptions

Term Subject Catalog # Title Credits / Units
Spring 2022 PHIL 2110 Ancient Philosophy 4 cr.
Class Session Time Syllabus
1 5-week spring Mon - Fri PHIL-2110


This course will examine the foundations of Western civilization by surveying the philosophies of the ancient Greek thinkers. We will examine the transition from Mythos to Logos that took place with the early Milesian philosophers’ departure from the earlier worldview found in the poems of Homer and Hesiod, the oldest surviving pieces of literature in the Western world. We will then examine the rest of the development of the Pre-Socratic thinkers from such thinkers as Pythagoras, Heraclitus, Parmenides, the Pluralists and the Atomists. Topic also cover the philosophies of Socrates and Plato. We will further examinine the figure of Socrates and a few of the key dialogues of Plato, in order to come to some understanding of Plato’s philosophy, his Theory of Ideas, belief in the immortality of the soul, the theory of knowledge as recollection, his concern with virtue and justice, and the problematic relationship between art and truth. the philosophy of Aristotle in order to come to some understanding of how his thought both carried on and departed from that of his teacher Plato, and also how it left such a lasting impression upon the development of Western civilization will also be mentioned.
